Thursday, September 11, 2008

9/11: 7 Years Later

It's September 11th.

Today I feel blessed to be a part of such an amazing country where I am free to think what I want to think. But days like today also remind me of the impending stress and pressure on our country.

7 years has passed since America received their big wake-up call. That day will live so vividly in every American's memory. I was walking out of seminary, and a girl shouted "the white house has been blown up!" This wasn't true, as we all know. As soon as I got to school a few minutes later there were projectors with CNN reporting the latest; I stood in shock as I watched the second plane hit the second tower. Wow. I will never forget that feeling.

It's important to remember. What were you doing when you found out?


Becky and Heath said...

Thanks for the reminder Camille. I will never forget that day either. I was in my Algebra 2 class, and someone said to turn the TV on. I watched as the first building fell in on itself. What a life-changing day.

Jenny said...

crazy to think it's been 7 years already. i'd just come home from seminary. my parent's gathered us all in their room and we watched the events unfold. it seemed unreal. you see things like this in movies; it was hard to swallow that it was for real.
also, i would like to extend my deepest sympathies for you on the missing out on your beloved dmb concert...i know how much you love them!
ps-your blog background is super cute!

Kat said...
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Kat said...

I was sitting in some class I hated and our teacher ran into the room shouting that the WTC was on fire. He grabbed our TV and jimmied some things together to try and get a signal. We all watched in horror as the second plane hit the South Tower, and then when the North Tower collapsed. I went to my trig class, everyone in a daze, and my dear teacher was about to give us a quiz. She said that we should all take a moment, and then to everyone's surprise, began a simple prayer. I remember everything she said to this day, and it was one of the most powerful prayers I've ever heard. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to express that.