Friday, March 13, 2009

My new summer job

My plans to start working with PwC have recently been changed, and I most likely will be starting in September rather than July. Soooo... my kind, supporting mother then said "ok, now go get a job." So I've been looking around and applying to all sorts of random odd jobs a BYU grad shouldn't be applying to. But hey, whatever pays the bills right?

Forget being a receptionist or office clerk. I'm seriously considering this position. What do you think? (click on the picture to read it)


Kristy Carpenter said...

I think you should totally do it!!! I'd watch whatever show you were on. I might even get cable for it.

B said...

When did this change happen!?! I'm confused. Your choice or theirs?

Unknown said...

You better do it because they told me I'd get a big referral bonus for sending you this...

Amanda Jones said...

hmmm, sounds like an interesting opportunity... haha! I would laugh so hard if you were on it! I fully support it!

Angela McLaws said...

Could be an interesting adventure. . . but then again I would be worried about the others I might be working with who responded to this ad! I suggest you keep looking kiddo!!!

Kat said...

Do it.