Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Circle of Life

Once upon a time a girl named Camille met a girl named Emily, both new BYU co-eds-- shy, scared, and friendless. They became instant friends sitting under a tree in Helaman Halls.
These two buds shared some great times together during their 3 great years of being roommates. They went camping, to concerts, family vacations to Hawaii, grandparents houses, field trips, snowboarding, you name it. There was a lot of laughing and bonding within those three years of being together. And then they started getting older. Study abroads happened. Internships happened. Missions happened.

And they were separated.

But alas, the stars have aligned and the two friends of long ago have been reunited! Emily and Camille are roommates once again, but this time at the Enclave Village.
The Circle of Life has brought us together once again. To keep with the "Circle of Life" theme, we even stayed up till 2 last night finishing a Lion King mosaic puzzle. It was hard, but don't worry, we conquered. I know, I know, we will try to not be so wild from now on. Girls just wanna have fun, gosh darn it.


Amanda Jones said...

hooray, I love you too.
gotta love that circle of life, both in puzzle form and life form!
miss you guys

Annie. said...

Congrats! So exciting. Welcome home Emily! I missed you in my COMD classes when you left. :)

Jessy Carlisle said...

I am so amazed that someone finally finished that dang puzzle. Wish I could've been there. Miss you, miss 303, miss TV, and miss making cookies all the time.