I know, isn't that sad? But I guess seeing as my name is now Camille Lewis, I can no longer maintain a blog entitled "ms-mclaws.blogspot.com" under the penname of ms-mclaws. No, it just will not do.
But no need to fear, my faithful readers!
Russ and I have wasted no time at all, and created a new and improved blog! (cheers, applauses, hoorays). I would love for you to keep following me at our new blog:
(This blog is now private, so if I haven't already sent you an invitation, simply comment on this post and let me know you would like to be a viewer)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
So, it's here!
Yes. Today is the day. The day of all days. The day I have been anticipating for months, years, lifetimes!
I can't wait for today. It will be quite the experience (on no more than 3 hours of sleep, mind you). But I did start it off with a great run, where I bombarded a nice elderly couple walking by who waved "good morning" by yelling back at them "I'M GETTING MARRIED TODAY!" I just wanted to tell someone! Maybe I should wear a sign? No, I think I'll be fine with a huge white dress.
Wish me luck, guys. This is going to be great.
Signing off as Camille McLaws. Camille Lewis will see you later.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A couple weeks ago, in need of some entertainment, I jokingly suggested seeing Disney's "Earth" as it is now at the dollar
theater. Russ and I both kind of chuckled at the thought of watching a movie about as broad of a subject as "earth," but figured we had nothing better to do. To our dismay it was sold out.

So we tried again the next week. SOLD OUT.
Then we suggested going with our friends Lindsay and France. They got super pumped about the idea.
We tried again last night and you guessed it... SOLD OUT!
So apprently this movie is pretty cool?
So we saw THIS instead:

What did I think? drumroll please.....
I loved it! Totally took me by surprise. It was pretty dang funny and had random cameos by some pretty big names. Anyway, some day we will see "Earth," but for the time being some large monsters and crazy aliens got us by.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Epic Week
Today is Monday, and thus the start of an EPIC WEEK in the life of Camille.

- Getting married in the temple to this guy on the right
- Seeing family and friends from all over who are flying/traveling/coming to this rather significant event
- Moving out of single housing forever
- Taking on a new last name
- Getting to experience what everyone labels "the best day of their life," also known as my the day I marry my best friend
- "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!"
- "I wish I had 2 more arms this week to get everything done... but then that'd look weird"
- "I want Saturday to come--now."
- "Is it possible for one person to be this excited?!?!?"
- "Why am I so dang lucky?"
- "Life is crazy, but I love it"

Sigur Ros -- Takk
The ultimate crescendo-rock soundtrack for a week as epic as this.
Listen to it, enjoy it, love it.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Un Mes
Shout out to Elder Jace Garrett McLaws for his ONE MONTH anniversary in the glorious MTC. Just think... he only has two more to go till he actually gets sent out into the field.
I have loved sending him "same-day" packages with baked goods inside. I have loved running by the MTC daily to "accidentally" see him (and no, I have not seen him yet, but I have mastered the beast of a hill we like to call 9th East). Most of all, I have loved getting his letters and seeing how much he has grown.
My favorite parts are the random Japanese phrases... they are always so sporadic and they make me chuckle. Here, let me practice what I have learned from him:
Jace is now a Ka-mi-ree (Japanese fellow), also known as a Choro (Elder), who is very Wakawaka shimaso (excited) to serve the people of Japan!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Diet Cokes Anonymous
Hi. My name is Camille. I am from Washington state, I'm an Aries, and I'm addicted to Diet Coke.
There. I said it. I am submitting to the fact that I have an addiction, and am going to stop giving dumb excuses for my $.84 daily fix. I really don't love the idea of NEEDING to drink something to get me through the day, so this is my public statement that I want to stop. I want to break the habit... eventually... and not till after next Saturday....
As for now, I think I'm going to take a trip to 7-11.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
A Girl in a White Dress and a Boy in a Brown Suit
Alright folks, we're not messing around anymore--we are officially 10 days out. Thanks to Mckenzie of Photography by McKenzie, Russ and I had a fun time shooting this "bridal/groomal" session at the Lavender fields in Southern Utah.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Life is a highway, I'm gonna ride it all night long
Today I have been thinking about life. I know, right? That's a totally random subject to think about.
Mostly I was thinking about how you can plan your "life goals and aspirations," and even more, you can work hard at them to get to where you think you are supposed to be going. But the irony comes when what you thought you were supposed to be doing actually isn't what you are meant to be doing. Ok Camille... where are you going with this? Let me explain.
All throughout my college days at BYU I busted my butt to graduate from the accounting program and land a great job. Well hey! I did it! I was fortunate enough to get offered a position with the International Tax group at PricewaterhouseCoopers in the San Francisco office. Great location, great job, great opportunities, great pay, great experience, the whole shebang. Starting date? Oh... THAT WOULD BE TODAY. I was supposed to start this job in San Francisco TODAY! Now seeing where I am right now (besides in my room in the Enclave), I am about to get married to the love of my life in 2 weeks and 2 days, where we will then proceed to move to... Texas!
I never in a million years thought I would end up in Texas--but you know what? I am pumped for it. San Antonio sounds amazing, and it will be even more amazing to start this new adventure with Russ. Both options--starting a fast paced career in a bustling financial district and moving to a slower-paced city in the heart of Texas--are great. Either lifestyle would be great.
Life is a ride with twists and turns you can never predict. You may think you know where you are headed until the road of life takes a very unexpected turn. Luckily for me, it was the luckiest turn in the world.
Mostly I was thinking about how you can plan your "life goals and aspirations," and even more, you can work hard at them to get to where you think you are supposed to be going. But the irony comes when what you thought you were supposed to be doing actually isn't what you are meant to be doing. Ok Camille... where are you going with this? Let me explain.
All throughout my college days at BYU I busted my butt to graduate from the accounting program and land a great job. Well hey! I did it! I was fortunate enough to get offered a position with the International Tax group at PricewaterhouseCoopers in the San Francisco office. Great location, great job, great opportunities, great pay, great experience, the whole shebang. Starting date? Oh... THAT WOULD BE TODAY. I was supposed to start this job in San Francisco TODAY! Now seeing where I am right now (besides in my room in the Enclave), I am about to get married to the love of my life in 2 weeks and 2 days, where we will then proceed to move to... Texas!
I never in a million years thought I would end up in Texas--but you know what? I am pumped for it. San Antonio sounds amazing, and it will be even more amazing to start this new adventure with Russ. Both options--starting a fast paced career in a bustling financial district and moving to a slower-paced city in the heart of Texas--are great. Either lifestyle would be great.
Life is a ride with twists and turns you can never predict. You may think you know where you are headed until the road of life takes a very unexpected turn. Luckily for me, it was the luckiest turn in the world.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Losing my mind, among other things
For someone who hasn't lost anything in years, losing 2 sets of keys in one week is pretty bad. Also, is it a bad sign if I finally find my other set of keys in the bathroom drawer?
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Garden Party
Last night my incredible sister, Brittney, threw me the most amazing bridal shower in the world. She works as a Public Relations Manager, but I think she should quit her job and be a professional party planner. The party, food, and decorations all followed a cohesive theme of a "Garden Party." Oh, and the food was to die for. My personal favorite was the fruit/cheese platter. The italian sodas also made my day.
This picture is courtesy of the most talented Laura Giddens, who was there to snap pictures and help my sister out. Check more out HERE.
Thank you also to everyone who came. I loved being in that room with all of my best friends. I didn't know so much love could be in one room. I love you all!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Amp'd Abs
Call me old fashioned, but this video rocks. I especially like his outfit.
This "8 minute abs" video totally kicks my butt, or I guess you could say my abs. Bwahaha...
This "8 minute abs" video totally kicks my butt, or I guess you could say my abs. Bwahaha...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
To My Daddy
To the ultimate Dad

Thank you for always being there to help me, but also standing back at the right times to let me learn. Thank you for teaching me how to love. Thank you for teaching me about selflessness and charity. Thank you for letting me explore and have adventures. Thank you for teaching me how to work. Thank you for exposing me to the ultimate classic rock. Thank you, most of all, for being my Dad.
I love you!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Busy busy busy
What is going on in life?? Why must a million very large events be crammed into such a small time? Everything is so happy and positive... it's just been a lot. Such events include the following:

- A trip home to Spokane! We went boating, I had a bridal shower, my Dad had a birthday, Jace had his mission farewell talk, and Russ got to see the beauty of the Northwest!
I went through the temple! What an incredible experience. Tuesday was such a bittersweet day. The blessings and happiness that came from being inside the Draper temple was overwhelming, especially with my whole family there. The only thing was that it was the last time we would all be together like that for a long time as Jace was reporting to the MTC the next day. I am just so grateful we all got to be together. Families are forever. Also, thank you so much to everyone that came to be with me on this special day--it really meant a lot.
- Jace became Elder McLaws! We said goodbye to good ol' Jacey poo as he has now reported to the Missionary Training Center to prepare to serve the people of Kobe, Japan. I will miss Jace terribly; he really is my best friend. But I am so excited for him and this amazing opportunity as I am confident he will make an incredible missionary. The people of Japan don't even know what's comin their way. Those lucky ducks.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
By Popular Request
Dear faithful readers,
Because of your love and support on this blog (and because this is the 100th blog post of La Di Da), I will cater to your requests to post more engagement pictures. Enjoy!

And for your viewing pleasure, I will share our all-time favorite of the night:

There ya go! That's enough.
Thanks again Jon Tehero of Jon Tehero Photography. You rock.
Because of your love and support on this blog (and because this is the 100th blog post of La Di Da), I will cater to your requests to post more engagement pictures. Enjoy!

There ya go! That's enough.
Thanks again Jon Tehero of Jon Tehero Photography. You rock.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
The Bells will soon be a ringin...
And by bells I mean WEDDING BELLS! I have been trying to avoid the all-too-annoying, yet inevitable, wedding countdown. I gave in this morning to produce the number of 53. That's it!
FIFTY-THREE DAYS till the big day!! (and for those of you who don't want to do the math, the big day is July 25th).
I have now learned how MUCH there is to do. I feel like planning a wedding is a full-time job! It makes me just as tired as one, that's for sure. Here is what has been checked off the list:
Well, this picture explains it all.

I have now learned how MUCH there is to do. I feel like planning a wedding is a full-time job! It makes me just as tired as one, that's for sure. Here is what has been checked off the list:
- The dress! I scored that one within the first week of being engaged, thanks to Abella Bridal in the Riverwoods.
- Bridesmaids dresses -- another major score. I love sales, I love Banana Republic, I love those dresses.
- The colors -- which came easily after finding those dresses. Burnt orange/coral, light yellow, sage green, and guys in brown suits. A wonderful pallet I'd say.
- Reception center, a la Alpine Art Center
- Flowers! I am excited for what Laura Giddens, my sister's wonderful, creative, and talented friend will create.
- Invitations, which are soon to be completed by the talented Andrew Garlock at 2nd Street Print Designs
- Addresses -- a slow processs. I think I have most of them (and, faithful readers, if I haven't asked you for your address and you'd like an announcement, add a comment with your address or send it to me at CamilleMcLaws@gmail.com... I'd love to send one to you!)
- REGISTERING! What a task. We have officially finished at Bed, Bath, & Beyond and Macy's. Whew.
- Engagements pictures. A big THANK YOU to Jon Tehero is in order. I will post more of those later.
- Table centerpieces -- another great score at Tai Pan Trading Company, a store where I could spend way too much time and money.
- Actually pick out, address, and send the invitations
- Wedding shoes?
- Hair piece -- veil? flower? neither?
- Music for reception
- Party favors
- Plan food for both the Alpine and Spokane receptions
- Meet with cake ladies for both receptions
- Decorations?
- Wedding video (you know, the traditional corny photo montage... sigh...)
- A custom wedding sign-in book made by yours truly
- Bridals - July 3rd with Photography by McKenzie
- Find an apartment in San Antonio
- Get a new job in San Antonio
Well, this picture explains it all.

Friday, May 29, 2009
I love America
No, don't worry... you haven't forgotten about an important national holiday or anything. I just couldn't keep the American pride that has been running through my veins inside any longer. Russ's mom was born and raised in the great country of Mexico, the country that she has been a citizen of until Wednesday.
I had the opportunity to go to an official Naturalization ceremony where Argelia, my wonderful future mother-in-law, denounced allegiance to Mexico and is now an official citizen of the USA. I walked away from this ceremony with a renewed sense of pride in this amazing country. Here are some of the main thoughts and emotions that were running through my head:
I had the opportunity to go to an official Naturalization ceremony where Argelia, my wonderful future mother-in-law, denounced allegiance to Mexico and is now an official citizen of the USA. I walked away from this ceremony with a renewed sense of pride in this amazing country. Here are some of the main thoughts and emotions that were running through my head:
- I take this country and the opportunities it provides for granted
- Every person who was born and raised in this country should see one of these ceremonies--they really will look at their situation in a different light
- This country, despite recent events, has so much to offer
- Just like Lee Greenwood, I am proud to be an American
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
A Trip to Zions
At the beginning of my Super Senior year here at BYU I made a list of things I wanted to do before I left Provo for good. Going to ZIONS NATIONAL PARK was at the very top. This weekend Russ and I and a couple friends took a trip that helped me check one more thing off my list.
I absolutely loved Zions. I have always been such a huge fan of Moab, but I think Zions now reigns supreme. The combination of red rock with lush green trees was absolutely beautiful, not to mention the towering cliffs that sorround you at all times. The weather was kind of iffy, so we didn't do a couple of the hikes we had originally planned on for fear of flash floods and all kinds of dangerous stuff.
One hike we did was Angels Landing, which is absolutely unbelievable. WARNING: Do not attempt if you are afraid of heights. After doing some pretty steep switchbacks for a while, you reach a narrow walkway that climbs another couple hundred feet. Except this walkway is 4-5 feet wide with a 1,200 foot plunge on one side and a 900 foot drop on the other. You use chains for this narrow section. I loved this hike, though! Another fix for the adrenaline junky.
I absolutely loved Zions. I have always been such a huge fan of Moab, but I think Zions now reigns supreme. The combination of red rock with lush green trees was absolutely beautiful, not to mention the towering cliffs that sorround you at all times. The weather was kind of iffy, so we didn't do a couple of the hikes we had originally planned on for fear of flash floods and all kinds of dangerous stuff.
One hike we did was Angels Landing, which is absolutely unbelievable. WARNING: Do not attempt if you are afraid of heights. After doing some pretty steep switchbacks for a while, you reach a narrow walkway that climbs another couple hundred feet. Except this walkway is 4-5 feet wide with a 1,200 foot plunge on one side and a 900 foot drop on the other. You use chains for this narrow section. I loved this hike, though! Another fix for the adrenaline junky.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Making the Bed
Was I not the only child who hated, no let me rephrase that, who loathed making the bed? I would do as I was told and make sure everything else in my room was spick and span, but for some reason being told to make the bed was like a death sentence to me. And ironically enough, it was the part of a room my mom most wanted clean.
Well, like most things in life, it took me a while to realize that, again, my mom was right. I moved to college, got my own room, and now I love making the bed. That's right, mom, you read that correctly. Maybe it's because my room is a 9' x 14' space and so any mess you have makes it feel as though a bomb has gone off, or maybe it's just because I'm more like my mom than I thought. But if you read my previous post, you'll know that that really isn't a bad thing.
Well, like most things in life, it took me a while to realize that, again, my mom was right. I moved to college, got my own room, and now I love making the bed. That's right, mom, you read that correctly. Maybe it's because my room is a 9' x 14' space and so any mess you have makes it feel as though a bomb has gone off, or maybe it's just because I'm more like my mom than I thought. But if you read my previous post, you'll know that that really isn't a bad thing.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
To my mom
On this Mother's Day, I just wanted to let my mom know how much I love and appreciate her. Words don't do it justice, but she really is one of my biggest inspirations. I love my mom for a lot of things, some of which include the following:
Thank you Mom, for everything you are. I hope that someday I can be half as good of a mom as you are to me.
I love you.
- She is funny, like really, she makes me laugh really hard
- Her love of Diet Coke -- I think I appreciate this for a few reasons... maybe to jusify my own addiction, or just because she could care less what everyone else thinks
- Her love of the gospel, and how she has taught me
- The sacrifices she has made for me and my family
- How she loves my Dad
- Her dedication to staying healthy and in shape -- definitely helps me stay motivated (cause really, she could probably kick my butt)
- She is the best listener
- Always supporting me in my choices and aspirations in life
- For being my best friend
Thank you Mom, for everything you are. I hope that someday I can be half as good of a mom as you are to me.
I love you.
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