Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Rain, I don't mind

It's raining today.

But if you know me even a little you will know that I LOVE THE RAIN. It makes me happier for some reason. Call me weird, but you know, that's just how it goes.

I decided to make today a special day and biked to both classes. I found an odd amount of enjoyment getting my face all wet, so I thought, hmm... maybe I should go on a run. So that's what I did! I ran... and ran... and ran... and then noticed I had been running for over an hour. So, I have thus concluded that my new favorite thing is going for a run in the rain.

Rain + good music + endorphins = happy Camille

Here's a little song about rain for your listening pleasure. One of my favorites for sure.


Looper said...

i do not understand how you managed to run for over an hour.

i do not run. you are amazing.

Lillian said...

Camille!!! Of course you should know why the rain makes you happy! I know why it makes me happy... because it means SNOW in the mountains! and lots of snow = the best season ever. So let it rain all it wants.

P.S. passes????

Annie. said...

Hooray for those of us who appreciate rain for the beautiful thing that it is. :)